Con le nostre colombe si vola alto.

Un pranzo di Pasqua non può che finire con una colomba. Ma le colombe non sono tutte uguali. Le nostre sono 100% artigianali e non contengono altro che burro, uova e farina. Solo così riusciamo a ottenere quella qualità che ci ha permesso, per esempio, di vincere il premio al Re Panettone come miglior panettone d’Italia. E siccome una colomba speciale non poteva stare in una scatola qualunque, per le nostre abbiamo disegnato un packaging bellissimo.

  • La Colombala-colomba

    La Colomba

    La Colomba è una limited edition pensata per avere il 100% del gusto della nostra Colomba Tradizionale, ma con zero canditi.

    There are always butter, eggs and flour for the dough and the icing is always almonds, hazelnuts and sugar. The only difference is precisely the absence of candied fruit, since not everyone likes them and we want all our customers to be fully satisfied.

    Come per tutte le nostre colombe, usiamo solo lievito madre e materie prime di altissima qualità per un prodotto che è 100% artigianale, quindi fatto a mano senza l’aggiunta di conservanti, semilavorati, aromi e grassi vegetali.

    Made with passion.


  • La Colomba Tradizionalela-colomba-tradizionale

    Traditional Colomba

    Colomba is the Italian Easter cake par excellence.

    Una nuvola di burro, uova e farina ricoperta da una glassa di mandorla, nocciole e zucchero che regala al primo morso una leggera croccantezza e subito dopo un’ incredibile sofficità.
    La lunga lievitazione naturale con lievito madre e l’accurata selezione delle materie prime rendono la nostra colomba artigianale tradizionale particolarmente prelibata. Il suo soffice impasto si unisce alla dolcezza dell’ arancia, candita artigianalmente e all’inconfondibile profumo di vaniglia di bourbon del Madagascar.
    La struttura è estremamente soffice , il gusto elegante ma deciso.

    100% hand-made, no added preservatives, semi-finished products, flavours and vegetable fats.

    Made with passion.


  • La Colomba al Pistacchio + crema spalmabile in sac a pochela-colomba-al-pistacchio-crema-spalmabile-in-sac-a-poche

    La Colomba al Pistacchio + crema spalmabile in sac a poche

    A combination of taste and softness. Made with only mother yeast, pistachio spreadable cream in sac a poche and white chocolate garnish.

    It is highly digestible thanks to the long leavening and the use of excellent quality raw materials.

    100% hand-made, no added preservatives, semi-finished products, flavours and vegetable fats.

    Made with passion.


  • La Colomba ai Tre Cioccolatila-colomba-ai-tre-cioccolati

    Three-Chocolate Colomba

    A soft and full-flavoured colomba.

    The dark chocolate balances the sweetness, while the covering of almond, hazelnut, cocoa and sugar icing enhances the crunchiness. It is highly digestible thanks to the long leavening and the use of excellent quality raw materials.

    100% hand-made, no added preservatives, semi-finished products, flavours and vegetable fats.

    Made with passion.


  • La Colomba ai Multicereali con fichi e nocila-colomba-ai-multicereali-con-fichi-e-noci

    Multigrain Colomba with figs and walnuts

    Multigrain colomba has a rustic taste—given by the stone-ground Italian grain flours—and is stuffed with delicious Italian figs and walnuts; a tasty cascade of almond icing, hazelnuts and sugar covering it.

    It is very rich in fibre and highly digestible thanks to the long leavening and the use of high quality raw materials.

    100% hand-made, no added preservatives, semi-finished products, flavours and vegetable fats.

    Made with passion.


  • La Colomba al cioccolato bianco e amarenala-colomba-al-cioccolato-bianco-e-amarena

    White chocolate and black cherry Colomba

    White chocolate and black cherry Colomba is made only with sourdough starter and is filled with soft 35% ivoire chocolate,vanilla and black cherry from Cantiano—an all-Italian excellence.

    The structure is very soft thanks to the slow leavening; the icing is made of almond, hazelnuts and sugar.

    This Colomba is rich in taste, but very digestible thanks to the long leavening and the use of high quality raw materials.

    100% hand-made, no added preservatives, semi-finished products, flavours and vegetable fats.

    Made with passion.


  • La Colomba al limoncello + crema spalmabile in sac a pochela-colomba-al-limoncello-crema-spalmabile-in-sac-a-poche

    La Colomba al limoncello + crema spalmabile in sac a poche

    A Colomba with a delicate flavor and a soft structure, made with only sourdough, limoncello spreadable cream in sac a poche and candied lemon peel from the Amalfi Coast PGI, an all-Italian excellence. It is covered with a thick layer of white chocolate with limoncello and candied lemon peel.

    100% hand-made, no added preservatives, semi-finished products, flavours and vegetable fats.

    Made with passion.


  • La Colomba Caramello Salatola-colomba-caramello-salato

    La Colomba Caramello Salato

    The Salted Caramel Colomba is made only with sourdough and is enriched with delicious salted caramel.
    The structure is very soft thanks to the slow leavening.
    It is a Colomba with a balanced flavor thanks to the combination of sweet caramel and chocolate: a masterpiece of balanced sweetness.

    100% hand-made, no added preservatives, semi-finished products, flavours and vegetable fats.

    Made with passion.
